
How to secure budget for HR AI tools: A step-by-step guide

August 22, 2024
6 minute 30 second read

Ever felt like your HR team is stuck in a never-ending loop of paperwork and repetitive tasks? You're not alone! Securing budget approval for HR AI tools could be the game-changer your team is waiting for. By showcasing their value to key stakeholders, like your CFO and HR Director, you can win their support and lead your team towards unmatched efficiency and innovation. Here’s how you can make it happen!

Understanding the business need

As Melissa Howatson, CFO at fintech Vena, puts it, "When it comes to implementing an AI solution, prioritisation is key." (Raconteur)

Are the endless manual tasks like payroll processing, data entry for new hires, and managing employee records dragging you down? How long are you spending on each of these per week? These tasks often take up a huge chunk of your time and can cause stress with their repetitive nature and the potential for errors. Enter HR AI tools, your new best friend. They’re not just about cutting down grunt work; they’re about turning these specific challenges into game-changing opportunities.

Breaking down the costs

Understanding the costs is simpler than it seems. It's all about laying out the initial expenses, like software licenses and setup, alongside the ongoing ones, such as subscriptions and maintenance. By presenting a clear financial outline, you show transparency and help everyone see how these tools can seamlessly fit into the budget.

Showcasing the ROI of HR AI tools

Numbers speak volumes when you're trying to win budget. Showing the ROI of HR AI tools can really tip the scales in your favour.

1. Quantify time savings

As Dan Murphy, CFO at Commercetools, points out, "The first question on my mind as a CFO when it comes to a new AI project is: where am I driving efficiency?” (Raconteur)

Calculate how much time AI tools can save your HR team by automating repetitive tasks. Provide estimates or case studies showing similar organisations reducing administrative workload.

2. Reduce errors

"AI tools can minimise human errors, particularly in data entry and compliance, which can lead to significant cost savings over time," says Nancy Person, CFO at Hyland. (Raconteur)

3. Increase productivity

Demonstrate how freeing up your team from mundane tasks allows them to focus on strategic initiatives, ultimately benefiting the organisation's bottom line.

4. Employee satisfaction

Improved processes can enhance employee experience, reducing turnover and associated recruitment costs. Use surveys or feedback to illustrate potential morale boosts.

Addressing the risks

Every great plan has its "what ifs." While HR AI tools promise a brighter future, it's important to remember that they're not magic wands. Just like any new technology, they come with their own set of challenges.

One of the biggest concerns is data privacy. Imagine your employees' personal information falling into the wrong hands—not a pleasant thought, right? That's why it's crucial to have strong security measures in place to protect sensitive data.

Another potential pitfall is bias. AI algorithms are only as good as the data they're trained on. If that data is biased, the AI will be biased too. This can lead to unfair decisions and discrimination. That's why it's essential to regularly check for bias and take steps to correct it.

Finally, there's the human factor. Some employees might be worried about losing their jobs or having their roles change. It's important to be open and honest about the benefits of AI and how it can actually make their work easier and more fulfilling.

Comparing alternatives to AI

Imagine trying to get from London to Cardiff on a bicycle. It's possible, but it would take forever. Now, imagine hopping on a high-speed train. You'll be there in a flash!

That's the difference between traditional HR methods and AI tools. While traditional methods can get the job done, AI offers a clear advantage in speed and efficiency.

1. Automation of repetitive tasks

Think about how much time your team currently spends on manual tasks like data entry, employee onboarding, and performance reviews. AI can automate these HR tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

2. Improved accuracy

Human error is inevitable. When manually entering data or processing employee records, mistakes can happen. HR AI tools are less prone to errors, ensuring accurate data and reducing the risk of costly mistakes.

3. Data-driven decision-making

Currently, your HR team might rely on spreadsheets and manual reports to make decisions. AI can analyse large datasets to provide valuable insights and inform data-driven decisions. For example, AI can analyse employee turnover data to identify trends and identify areas for improvement.

4. Scalability

As your organisation grows, your HR department will need to adapt. AI can easily scale to meet your changing needs. For example, if you hire a large number of new employees, AI can automate the onboarding process, ensuring that new hires are quickly integrated into the team.

Mapping the timescale

Implementing AI in your HR department doesn't have to be overwhelming. The key is to start small and focus on one process at a time. By taking a gradual approach, you can minimise disruption, improve ROI, and learn from your experiences.

1. Identify low-hanging fruit

Choose a process that is ripe for automation and has a clear potential for improvement. This could be something like contract creation or ordering uniform.

2. Pilot the HR AI tool

Test the AI tool in a limited scope to assess its effectiveness and identify any challenges.

3. Iterate and improve

Based on the pilot results, make adjustments to the AI tool or process as needed. AI can also help with improvement suggestions.

4. Expand gradually

Once you're satisfied with the results, gradually expand the use of AI to other HR processes.

By following this approach, you can avoid the complexities of a full-scale implementation and achieve quicker results. Remember, the goal is to improve your HR processes, not to become an AI expert overnight.

Impacting the team

Imagine your HR team finally breaking free from the endless cycle of data entry and report generation. No more feeling overwhelmed by mundane tasks. Instead, picture them focused on what truly matters: supporting your employees and driving organisational success.

By implementing AI tools, you're not just improving your HR processes; you're also investing in your team's wellbeing. When your HR professionals are freed from the mental load of repetitive tasks, they can focus on strategic initiatives, fostering a positive company culture, and supporting employee development. This can lead to reduced burnout, increased job satisfaction, and a boost in morale.

It's like giving your team a superpower. They'll have more time to be creative, think strategically, and truly make a difference. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Getting stakeholder buy-in

When it comes to getting the green light for your AI project, focusing on the key decision-makers is crucial. Whether it's the CFO or HR director, you need to convince them that AI is the way to go.

Start by understanding their priorities. What keeps them up at night? Are they worried about costs, efficiency, or employee satisfaction? Once you know what's important to them, tailor your pitch to address those concerns.

Highlight the financial benefits of AI in HR. Show them how it can save money, improve efficiency, or increase revenue. Use real-world examples and case studies to back up your claims.

Be prepared to address any concerns they may have. They might worry about the risks, the costs, or the complexity of implementation. Assure them that you have a plan in place to mitigate these risks and that the benefits far outweigh the challenges.

Finally, present a compelling case for AI. Explain how it aligns with the company's goals and how it will help the organisation stay competitive. With the right approach, you can convince the boss that AI is the future of your HR department.

Ready to convince your CFO that AI is a worthwhile investment? Our AI automation tool can provide the data-driven insights and tangible results needed to secure budget approval.

By working with us, we can help you quantify the ROI, address concerns about risks and complexity, and create a persuasive argument that demonstrates how AI aligns with your company's goals and delivers a strong return on investment.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your HR department with AI. Contact us today for a free consultation.