
RecFest 2024 AI in TA, tech powering the human touch

July 12, 2024
2 minute 30 second read

This year's RecFest UK was a hotbed of talent acquisition (TA) innovation, with a resounding theme: AI is here to revolutionise recruitment and the onboarding process. But the most engaging talks went beyond just the technology, emphasising the importance of using AI to empower human expertise.

Excitement for the future of TA

The energy in the room was palpable as attendees discussed the vast potential of AI. Talks like Matt Alder's "Embrace the Revolution: How AI Will Radically Transform Talent Acquisition Teams" left audiences eager to explore how AI could streamline processes, improve efficiency, and free up valuable time for more strategic talent acquisition initiatives.

Eliminating bias and empowering neurodiversity

A particularly inspiring session was Jamie Betts' presentation on how AI can be used to eliminate bias and empower neurodiversity in recruitment. This resonated deeply with many attendees, highlighting the positive impact AI can have on building a more inclusive and equitable talent pool.

Real-world success stories of AI in action

The most impactful presentations showcased real-world examples of AI in action. Stanislaw Wasowicz of Scotty AI and Paula Frese of PostNL demonstrated how AI can automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and improve the candidate experience. Siemens' Nathima Theyathore, Alex Madjera and Pablo Barreto presented NathiBot, an AI-powered tool that automates data quality tasks, freeing up human recruiters to focus on strategic talent management and building meaningful connections with candidates.

A call for balance

While the potential of AI was undeniable, a key message emerged: avoid getting swept up in the hype. Patrick White of Zinc focused on the importance of understanding where automation can be most effective and how to manage potential risks. Talks like Jon Stanners' "Navigating the Future of Automation: HR's Role in the Digital Labour Revolution" stressed the crucial role HR plays in designing a future workforce that seamlessly blends technology with human strengths and creativity.

Embrace AI, but keep the human touch

The overall sentiment at RecFest UK 2024 was one of optimism. Attendees were excited about the potential of AI to transform recruitment, but they also recognised the importance of maintaining a human-centric approach. The most successful implementations of AI seemed to be those that focused on freeing up recruiters' time to focus on building relationships and fostering positive candidate experiences.

The power of human connection

Here at 50skills, we believe AI should empower human connection, not replace it. That's why we developed 50skills Journeys, an AI-powered platform that automates administrative tasks like scheduling, screening, and onboarding, freeing up your time to focus on the human aspects of recruitment: building relationships, fostering positive candidate experiences, and identifying the best talent fit for your organisation.

Journeys leverages the power of automation to handle the tedious paperwork, allowing you to focus on what matters most: the people. By embracing AI as a tool to augment your expertise, you can transform your recruitment process into a human-centric experience that attracts top talent and builds a thriving workforce.

So, ditch the dreaded paperwork and embrace the human connection. Let 50skills Journeys help you navigate the exciting future of AI-powered recruitment. Book a demo today.