
Why employee offboarding is just as important as onboarding

August 2, 2024
5 minute read

Imagine this: Jessica, one of your top software engineers, has just handed in her resignation. It's a blow to your team, but you support her in her new journey. Yet, as she leaves, Jessica takes with her a wealth of knowledge, critical documents, and, possibly, access to company data. It’s a stark reminder of a common oversight in many organisations—the lack of a robust offboarding process. While much attention is given to welcoming new employees, saying goodbye in the right way is equally crucial, however, 71% of organisations have no formal offboarding process. (Zippia)

What is employee offboarding?

So, what exactly is offboarding? Think of it as the company's way of saying a proper farewell. Offboarding is the structured process that manages an employee’s exit from the company. It involves several steps, such as knowledge transfer, exit interviews, revoking access to company resources, and ensuring a smooth transition. Just as onboarding rolls out the red carpet, offboarding makes sure they leave on a positive, secure note.

The importance of a thorough offboarding process

Organisational security

Did you know that 60% of data breaches are caused by insiders, including former employees who still have access to company tools and data? (IBM) Imagine if Jessica still had access to your systems after she’s left. Proper offboarding ensures that doesn’t happen. By using an IT offboarding checklist, all company resources are promptly revoked. And the best part? Automation makes sure that this happens seamlessly, eliminating potential security risks.

Cost savings

When employees leave, it’s easy to overlook cancelling subscriptions, work phones, and other ongoing expenses. Over time, these costs can add up. An effective offboarding process involves a thorough review and cancellation of all subscriptions, services, and devices assigned to the departing employee. By automating this process, you can save significant amounts of money on unused resources.

Knowledge transfer

Remember the first time Jessica solved a complex problem that stumped everyone else? That kind of knowledge is invaluable. When she leaves, she could take that expertise with her, leading to disruptions. An effective offboarding process ensures that this valuable information is documented and shared with remaining team members or successors. This could involve creating handover documents, conducting knowledge transfer sessions, and using knowledge management systems.

Time savings and efficiency

A streamlined offboarding process can save your organisation a significant amount of time. According to Nudge Security, IT organisations spend an average of 5 hours per employee offboarding cloud and SaaS access and 69% use 3 or more tools to identify all access an employee had. By automating offboarding tasks companies can significantly reduce the time spent on these activities.

Brand reputation

What if Jessica sits down for her exit interview and feels genuinely heard?! She leaves with a good impression of your company and talks positively about her experience to her network. A respectful and professional offboarding process can make all the difference. It can turn former employees into brand ambassadors who speak highly of their time with you, both in casual conversations and on platforms like LinkedIn and Glassdoor.

Benefits of a strong offboarding process

A well-executed offboarding process offers a plethora of benefits that extend far beyond the individual leaving the company.

Positive employee relations

Good offboarding can lead to positive experiences even as employees leave. When remaining employees see that their departing colleagues are treated with respect, it reinforces a positive workplace culture. This can lead to higher morale and increased loyalty among current staff.

Departing employees who leave on good terms are more likely to speak positively about the company in their professional networks, aiding in future recruitment efforts.

Valuable feedback

Exit interviews are a goldmine for feedback. Despite the fact that 93% of employees believe their feedback in exit interviews is important, participation rates are only between 30-35% (Zippia).

Insights gained from exit interviews can identify systemic issues within the organisation, allowing management to make necessary adjustments that improve the overall work environment.

Feedback may reveal areas where employees feel underprepared, enabling the company to fine-tune training programmes to better meet the needs of future hires.

Future talent acquisition

Former employees, like Jessica. can become brand ambassadors, recommending your company to potential future hires and adding to your talent pool.

Positive offboarding experiences contribute to a favourable perception of the company, making it more attractive to top talent in the marketplace.

Keeping in touch with former employees can provide a ready pool of candidates for future openings, reducing the time and cost involved in recruiting new talent.

Smooth transition

Ensuring all knowledge is transferred and responsibilities are smoothly handed over minimises disruptions to ongoing projects. Detailed handover documents and knowledge transfer sessions ensure that ongoing projects are not stalled, maintaining business as usual.

Clear transition plans prevent remaining team members from being overwhelmed by suddenly taking over the duties of the departing employee without adequate preparation.

Compliance and legal safety

Proper offboarding ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues down the line. A thorough and fair offboarding process can mitigate the risk of wrongful termination lawsuits and other legal disputes.

Ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed, and systems access is revoked in a timely manner helps maintain compliance with industry regulations and data protection laws.

Implementing automated offboarding

Automation simplifies the offboarding process by reducing manual tasks and ensuring a thorough and consistent approach. Automation can ensure that nothing is forgotten, from revoking access to company systems and cancelling subscriptions to completing all necessary documentation and conducting exit interviews.

For HR managers, this means a significant reduction in the time and effort required to manage offboarding, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks. With automated workflows in place, you can experience a more streamlined, stress-free work environment which leads to improved job satisfaction and more time to concentrate on enhancing employee experience and supporting organisational goals.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Start by mapping out your current offboarding process.
  2. Select offboarding automation tools like 50skills that fit your needs.
  3. Use an IT offboarding checklist, leaver checklist template, and exit form for employees to automate and standardise the process.
  4. Continuously monitor the process and make improvements based on feedback, ensuring the offboarding process remains effective and efficient.

Offboarding is more than a final checklist—it’s an essential part of the employee lifecycle that protects your organisation and leaves a lasting positive impression. By leveraging automated offboarding, companies can streamline this process, ensuring security and maintaining valuable relationships. Evaluate your offboarding practices today and discover how automated solutions can benefit your HR strategy.