
Monitor and Track Crossboarding Progress

Moving employees into new roles requires coordination across teams. This workflow template helps track key tasks, monitor progress, and ensure a seamless transition—so nothing gets overlooked.

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Ensure a smooth transition with regular progress updates

This template helps you monitor and track the progress of crossboarding tasks and milestones, ensuring that employees and managers stay informed and engaged during the transition process.

Template Workflow:

1. Action: Input Form
Collect information about the employee's transition, including milestones, tasks, due dates, and responsible personnel.

2. Action: Send Email to Employee and Manager
Share the list of milestones and tasks with the employee and their manager, along with the due dates and responsible personnel.
Subject: Crossboarding Plan for {{employee_name}}'s Role Change
Message: Hi {{employee_name}} and {{manager_name}}, as part of {{employee_name}}'s transition from {{current_role}} to {{new_role}}, the following milestones and tasks have been identified:

Milestone 1: {{milestone1}} (Due Date: {{milestone1_due_date}}, Responsible: {{milestone1_responsible}})Milestone 2: {{milestone2}} (Due Date: {{milestone2_due_date}}, Responsible: {{milestone2_responsible}})

We will keep you informed on the progress of these milestones and tasks. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to HR.

3. Action: Wait
Wait for the completion of the milestones and tasks before proceeding to the next action. You may choose to periodically check on the progress and update the employee and manager as needed.

4. Action: Send Email to Employee and Manager
Once all the milestones and tasks have been completed, send a confirmation email to the employee and their manager.
Subject: Crossboarding Completed for {{employee_name}}'s Role Change
Message: Hi {{employee_name}} and {{manager_name}}, congratulations on successfully completing the crossboarding process! All the milestones and tasks related to {{employee_name}}'s transition to {{new_role}} have been completed. We appreciate your efforts and collaboration during this period. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact HR. Best of luck in your new role, {{employee_name}}!

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Monitor and Track Crossboarding Progress


Ensure a smooth transition with regular progress updates

This template helps you monitor and track the progress of crossboarding tasks and milestones, ensuring that employees and managers stay informed and engaged during the transition process.

Template Workflow:

1. Action: Input Form
Collect information about the employee's transition, including milestones, tasks, due dates, and responsible personnel.

2. Action: Send Email to Employee and Manager
Share the list of milestones and tasks with the employee and their manager, along with the due dates and responsible personnel.
Subject: Crossboarding Plan for {{employee_name}}'s Role Change
Message: Hi {{employee_name}} and {{manager_name}}, as part of {{employee_name}}'s transition from {{current_role}} to {{new_role}}, the following milestones and tasks have been identified:

Milestone 1: {{milestone1}} (Due Date: {{milestone1_due_date}}, Responsible: {{milestone1_responsible}})Milestone 2: {{milestone2}} (Due Date: {{milestone2_due_date}}, Responsible: {{milestone2_responsible}})

We will keep you informed on the progress of these milestones and tasks. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to HR.

3. Action: Wait
Wait for the completion of the milestones and tasks before proceeding to the next action. You may choose to periodically check on the progress and update the employee and manager as needed.

4. Action: Send Email to Employee and Manager
Once all the milestones and tasks have been completed, send a confirmation email to the employee and their manager.
Subject: Crossboarding Completed for {{employee_name}}'s Role Change
Message: Hi {{employee_name}} and {{manager_name}}, congratulations on successfully completing the crossboarding process! All the milestones and tasks related to {{employee_name}}'s transition to {{new_role}} have been completed. We appreciate your efforts and collaboration during this period. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact HR. Best of luck in your new role, {{employee_name}}!